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Accessible staircase, Grab Bar


Disabling Barriers, Enabling Freedom

Home solutions that inspire independent living for life.

Image by Joshua Bartell

For Professionals

Are you a Case Worker, Social Worker, Nurse, Insurance Adjuster, Lawyer, or Client Advocate?


 See how our team of specialists can make the most cost-effective all-in-one solution for barrier-free design and modifications for your clients.

We work for business professionals

For Homeowners


Are you a homeowner or advocate of someone who needs changes or help with their home?

We work for homeowners!

What is
Adaptable Home

Welcome to Adaptable Home, where we provide all-encompassing home solutions for people with disabilities and those aging in place. We understand the challenges and struggles of failing health or disabilities and are here to help.

Our team is dedicated and deeply committed to working with you, your family, and medical professionals. We strive to create a safe, functional, sustainable, and inspiring living environment. We believe that every life matters and are unwavering in our commitment to positively impacting lives by adapting homes to meet unique needs.


Adaptable Home is not just a temporary fix but a home solution for life, and the living spaces that meet your needs.

We're here to help every step of the way and are committed to making your life easier and more comfortable. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you or a client. 

Zero Step Entry
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 Adaptable Home Solutions

Home Modifications

Renovations that remove barriers and add possibilities.

Custom Homes

Homes built to suit your needs now and in the future.

Ramps & More

Quick additions like ramps, grab bars, lifts, and more.

Barrier-Free Rentals

Fully-accessible temporary accommodation during renovations or therapy.

Design & Consult

Need help getting started? We can help design the home you need.

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